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Learn to Write Chinese


(ii) Order on stroke sequence: 


Knowing the stroke sequence and the ability to count the number of strokes are important skills to master in learning to write (and type) Chinese.


The following 9 Chinese words (which when read together mean “36 puppies together entering Sichuan”) have been carefully chosen to illustrate the 9 common considerations for writers to bear in mind, when deciding on the stroke sequence in writing Chinese words. They are of course, by no means exhaustive to cover all scenarios in writing. But when read together, they give a writer a good sense of how words are generally written in Chinese.

Also, note the first and last stroke have been colored for easy viewing. This knowledge not only helps the writer plan ahead on how the word is to be written, it also has other important practical uses, such as inputting Chinese words. Some major Chinese input software is based on knowledge of first and last stroke.

You may wish to visit our Learning Resources section for Stroke Sequence Practice Exercise on writing these 9 words in the proper stroke sequence to increase your awareness of how these Chinese words are written, and to help build up the “common sense” in writing Chinese.

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